This Waternet website is online since 1997. Its initial focus was mainly on water issues in Israel and Palestine - at that time the topic of my research.
The website is now undergoing a very thorough update and redesign, with a more regional approach to the political hydrology of water scarcity.
Personal details
Stefan Deconinck
- e
- Ma in Modern History, Ma in International Relations
- Past research and teaching positions: Ghent University, Catholic University of Brussels, Royal High Institute of Defence - Brussels
- Research experience in Palestine, Jordan and Israel; resident in Kenya (2010-2017), Uganda (2017-2020) and Jordan (2020- present)
- See also profiles on LinkedIn and ResearchGate
Contact: Stefan.Deconinck(at)
Selected presentations, training and interviews on water politics, environmental conflicts, Middle East
- L'eau manque cruellement dans la bande de Gaza. Interview for Radio Télévision Suisse, 25/10/23.
- La guerre de l'eau est une autre facette de l'affrontementr entre Israël et les Palestiniens. Interview for Novethic, 10/10/23.
- EcoPeace Middle East, Training on water diplomacy for Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian actors, 2022.
- ‘The future of water resources in Palestine, Israel and Jordan’, G-STIC World Expo conference – Dubai, January 2022.
- International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC), Nairobi, 2011, 2012. Governance and Diplomacy for Peace and Security training for East African senior civilian and military officials.
- Royal Military Academy, Belgium, Formation for Senior Officers. Lectures on global jihadi terrorism; climate change and security challenges; international water resources.
- Royal Higher Institute for Defence, High Studies for Security and Defence, March 2005. Seminar on factors of instability: lecture on environmental degradation as a potential source of conflict.
- WES, Bruges, 2005. Training for governmental water professionals from Middle Eastern and Asian countries, on water resources management.
- Middle Eastern Technical University conference on water in the Middle East, Ankara, May 2007. Presentation on "Water, ideology and security persceptions in Israel".
- NATO Parliamentary Assembly, seminar on "Recent developments and new political perspectives in the broader Middle East region", Jordan, May 2005. Moderator of session on management of water resources. See also: seminar report.
- UNCCD Global Mechanism meeting, Brussels, 2003. Presentation on indicators for sustainable development and the importance of linking human security in combating desertification.
- World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Mainz, September 2002. Presentation on water policies in Israël and the West Bank.
- UNESCO conference "From conflict to co-operation in international water resources management: challenges and opportunities", Delft, November 2002. Presentation on "Israeli long term water policy and prospects for sustainable development".
- Professional development for teachers on water resources and water scarcity in the world; water conflicts in the Middle East; Israeli-Palestinain conflict. Vereniging Leraars Aardrijkskunde (VLA), Vereniging Vlaamse Leerkrachten (VVL) - Belgian teacher associations.
- Guest lectures at Belgian and Dutch universities on international water resources, environmental conflicts.
- Various lectures on international water issues, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, history of Jerusalem for Belgian cultural societies (Actueel Denken en Leven, Davidsfonds, Willemsfonds, ElckerIck).
Selected publications on water politics, environmental conflicts, Middle East
Tip: also check the publications longlist for an overview of my article on various other topics.
- Climate change, ecosystems and DPSIR: a strategy on protecting water resources. Internal report, Join For Water, 2021.
- Understanding the hydrological cycle in the Anthropocene, technical note, 2021.
- Shooting in your own foot: Kenya’s approach to the ‘war on terror’, in: Vrede, 2014.
- Waterconflicten in de 21ste eeuw: kiezen tussen “veiligheid” en ontwikkeling [Water conflicts in the 21st century: choosing for security or development]. In: Internationale Spectator, 3, 2012.
- Klimaatverandering en veiligheid: het Belgische en Europese beleid (Climate change and security: European and Belgian policies). Brussels: Royal High Institute for Defence, 2010 (Focus Paper 16).
- ‘Water en conflict: een kwestie van veiligheid of kwetsbaarheid’ [Water and conflict: a matter of development or vulnerability]. In: Willems P., Maes F., Water in de wereld, Vereniging voor de Verenigde Naties, 2010.
- Security as a threat to development in the Nile River Basin. Brussels: Royal High Institute for Defence, 2009 (Focus Paper 13).
- 'Water, ideology and international security in the Middle East', in: Madarat Garbiye, Fall 2006 (Arabic).
- Editor of the brochure "Water and conflict. Water scarcity threatens peace", Gent, Protos, 2005.
- 'Water policies and security in Israel', in: Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift (Swiss Military Review), March 2004.
- 'Israeli water policy in a regional context of conflict: prospects for sustainable development for Israelis and Palestinians', in: Ferragina E., Water Resources and Development in the Mediterranean Basin, Naples, 2004.
- 'Israelisch-Palästinensischer Wasserkonflikt', in: Agrarische Rundschau, 7, 2001, pp. 12-15.
- 'L'eau dans le conflit Israélo-Palestinien', in: Med Intelligence, 9 November 2001.
- Öl ins Feuer - Wasser im israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikt, Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Internationale Politik (Mai 2001).
- 'Olie op het vuur - water, conflict en vrede in het Midden-Oosten', in : Doom R. (ed.), De structuur van de waanzin - conflicten in de periferie, Gent, Academia Press, 2001.
- 'Le processus de paix israélo-palestinien, perspectives de cooperation ou de conflit', in: L'eau, source de conflits ou vecteur de paix, Bruxelles, CNAPD, 2001, pp. 30-37.
- 'Water en het Israëlisch-Palestijnse vredesproces', in: Internationale Spectator, 51, 1, 1997, pp. 17-22.
Linked by
- The Economist, "Millennium issue: The World This Millennium", 25 December 1999.
- Reference in the article 'Water and peace in the Middle East' of National Geographic News (14/07/2000)
- Reference in Time magazine: "Water, water, everywehere", 10 November 2000.